You can find on this page the Casablanca old map to print and to download in PDF. The Casablanca historical map and the vintage map of Casablanca present the past and evolutions of the city of Casablanca in Morocco.

Casablanca historical map

Map of Casablanca historical

The Casablanca old map shows evolutions of Casablanca city. This historical map of Casablanca will allow you to travel in the past and in the history of Casablanca in Morocco. The Casablanca ancient map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Casablanca historical map developed on the site of an ancient city called Anfa. It played on Casablanca historical map an important role in Moroccan history at the end of the 7th century and at the beginning of the 8th century. A prosperous city because of its agricultural hinterland, Anfa was also a former fishing port of Casablanca historical map.

According to Leon the African, born in 1490, Anfa on Casablanca historical map was founded by the Romans. The name Anfa, on Casablanca historical map which appears under very different spellings in portulans and cartographers of the 14th and 15th centuries. From the 13th to the 15th century, Anfa was an important provincial capital on Casablanca historical map.

The reconstruction of the city of Anfa, under the name of Dar El Baida, on Casablanca historical map chosen by the builder of the city, Sultan Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah. Casablanca historica map is the translation given by the important Spanish community at the end of the 18th century. The name of the white city is one of the indelible "memories" of the Casablanca people on Casablanca historical map.

Casablanca vintage map

Map of Casablanca antique

The Casablanca vintage map give a unique insight into the history and evolution of Casablanca city. This vintage map of Casablanca with its antique style will allow you to travel in the past of Casablanca in Morocco. The Casablanca vintage map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

With the signing of the Protectorate Treaty in 1912, Casablanca vintage map attracted a large European population in search of good deals and a new life. In 1905, out of 20,000 inhabitants, there were on Casablanca vintage map 570 Europeans. There will be 31,000 of them in 1914. To which thousands of Moroccans will soon be added, attracted by the boom of the new port.

From the 19th century onwards, the city on Casablanca vintage map expanded thanks to the textile industry, and even became one of the largest suppliers of wool in the Mediterranean basin. The city also has a high rate of urban vintage planning. In 1920, the port of Casablanca vinateg map was considered the first port in Morocco.

Work on the port had begun before the protectorate and was interrupted in 1907 on Casablanca vintage map by the riot and military operations. The small port was completed in Casablanca in 1917. It should be known that the vintage port at the time of the protectorate was a place of intense activity in the field of passenger and freight transport on Casablanca vintage map.